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The ECONEX POLILLERO trap is a funnel type trap made of plastic polymer that is resistant to UV rays. The trap consists of an inverted yellow funnel, and a transparent lid attached by means of a Bayonet mount (lock). The yellow colour of the base is a visual attractant. It has an average lifespan of 6 to 7 years. It is the most suitable trap for the majority of lepidopterans, especially large moths.
Fruit crops, citrus trees, olive trees, grapevines, as well as tomato, lettuce, pepper and cauliflower crops etc.
The traps should be active all year round, although they are especially useful in Spring and Summer, given the flight periods of most lepidopterans.
The inside of the funnel should be filled with liquid to kill the captured insects, preventing their escape. Oily liquids or propylene glycol (antifreeze) are recommended to reduce evaporation. The trap comes with two perforated tabs and a hanger, to be able to hang it.
Place 1 to 20 traps per hectare, according to necessity and characteristics of the plot.

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OBSERVATIONS: This product is sold in boxes of 35 units, but through this virtual store you can buy the ones you need without having to buy a box.