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Sex pheromone diffuser for the control of males of the species Ephestia (cadra) figulilella with a field life of 40.
Sexual pheromone diffuser for the control of males of the species Ephestia (cadra) cautella with a field life of 40.
Sex pheromone diffuser for the control of males of the species Ephestia elutella with a duration in the field of 40 days.
Sexual pheromone diffuser for the control of males of the species Ephestia (anagasta) kuehniella with a duration in the field of 40 days.
Pheromone diffuser for the control of the genera Ephestia spp and Plodia spp with a duration in the field of 40 days.
Sex pheromone diffuser for the control of males of the species Lasioderma serricorne with a duration in the field of 40 days.
Sex pheromone diffuser for the control of males of the species Nemapogon granellus with a duration in the field of 40 days.
Sexual pheromone diffuser of the species Phthorimaea (Scrobipalpa) operculella to attract males, with a duration of 60 days in normal field conditions...
Sex pheromone diffuser for the biocontrol of males of the species Plodia interpunctella with a duration in the field of 40 days.
Pheromone diffuser for the biocontrol of Sitotroga cerealella, with a shelf life of 40 days in the field.
Pheromone diffuser for the biocontrol of Sitophilus granarius, with a duration in the field of 40 days.
Sex pheromone diffuser for the biocontrol of Tineola bisselliella to attract males of the species, with a duration in the field of 40 days.
Sex pheromone diffuser for the biocontrol of Tribolium castaneum to attract males, with a duration in the field of 40 days.
Sexual pheromone diffuser for the biocontrol of Tribolium confusum to attract males of the species, with a duration in the field of 40 days.
Sex pheromone diffuser for the biocontrol of Trogoderma granarium to attract males of the species with a duration in the field of 40 days.