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To buy on the ECONEX ONLINE STORE is easy, convenient and secure. On our website you can find a wide catalogue of pheromones and traps to capture agricultural and forest pests.
We suggest using the search bar which is at the top of the website when you already know what pest you want to deal with. In addition, you can browse and discover more products in our section, “featured products” or in the different categories displayed in the upper part of the page.
Clicking on “add to basket” button, products will be added to your shopping basket. You can decide how many units you need, one or more of the same product. Also, you can select as many products as you require. Once you add everything that you need, click on the basket displayed in the top right corner of the screen.
Now you find the “Quick Checkout” page. You have to fill in your contact details and check your “order summary” looking if products have been correctly added. On the left you have the most important part which is “delivery address”. We need it to deliver the products in a quick and precise way.
Companies which sell products outside of the EU need to have an EORI number or VAT identification number. It is a EU registration and identification number assigned by the Member State of the country in which the company is established. It must begin with the code of the country concerned and followed by a block of digits or characters. Each EU country uses its own format of VAT identification number. Every EORI or VAT identification number is registered in the EORI database for all customs authorities when exchanging customs information. It means, EORI or VAT identification number is an identifier used in many countries, including the countries of the European Union, for value added tax purposes.
Additionally, you have to select “Shipping method” and “Payment method” (Pay with cash on delivery only in Spain and by card or by bank transfer in all Europe) . Also, do not forget to accept the terms of service.
Check your data and order summary one more time to be sure that everything is correct. Then, click on the “Checkout” button….